Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Gardening in North Otago December 1st 2020

December and it's dead heading roses time again, I have been laying the rose petals out on a trestle table to dry for potpourri. The fragrance  as they dry is wonderful, It is 6 weeks from cutting from the bush to new bud at this time of the year.I have found old hellebore leaves that had not been removed loaded in green fly!! I will cut every last one out and dispose of so the green fly does not fly off onto my waiting roses. It is so important right now to keep the water up to the roses, constant feeding and deep soaking at the roots will keep them healthy and not in need of spraying. A rose that is struggling will be susceptible to everything bad. Night beetles are on the wing again, newly planted young trees are the worst targeted... these beetles can strip leaves right off, If this happens don't be alarmed because another lot of leaves will soon grow.  Night beetles usually sleep through the day under a tree they are feeding on. Get rid of weeds like biddy bid, while seeds are still green, wherever you see it pull it out, don't let the seeds ripen and drop.  Convolvulus is a battle here for me, popping up through plants everywhere, every winter I make an effort to get to the roots while the garden is resting but it still pops up. Some gardeners have had success with soaking long convolvulus runners in weed spray solution which should kill well down through that network of roots. Fat-hen is another weed that spreads quickly, it will be ripe now needing to be pulled before seeds drop. Flag iris have flowered now so large clumps can be broken up and transplanted in a sunny spot. Prepare the bed by digging in fresh compost and some lime then plant, leaving half the rhizome (root) exposed to bake in the sun over summer. Long leaves can be cut half way back to reduce transpiration while reestablishing.  Bulbs: While you can still see where spring bulbs have been cover them with mulch to stop them drying out over summer, Weed free compost is fine then you can plant annuals on top to fill gaps. If large clumps of bulbs flowered poorly this is a good time to break them up and plant out into smaller groups using fresh compost to give them a good start. Montana clematis have finished flowering but wait a little longer before trimming back because they have not finished their new growth spurt, if you trim now you will have to do it all over again in a couple of weeks. However wisterias can be dealt with now, if your wisteria has nice strong flowering hardwood branches that flower well then no prunning will be required, remove all the new long trailers, some of these, if left will in time grow into hard wood branches. A wisteria is like a climbing tree and will take over and out grow its place in no time and become very heavy if you let too many leaders grow. Lawns: are suffering with new growth being starved of moisture then scorched in heat. Keep the mower blade up a little higher and mow in the cooler part of the day to help with recovery. Mow without the catcher sometimes and give deep watering's rather than a light sprinkle. If spraying lawn weeds add liquid fertiliser and feed the grass at the same time, don't use sprayed grass clippings around the garden or in compost, spray containers have printed information on how long the with- holding time is.  Herbs: Culinary herbs are the original cut-and-come-again crop, if you grow them get snipping and picking. The plants really will benefit from it, and you'll have wonderful flavours to add to dishes fresh or dried. Most herbs and leafy plants naturally want to create seeds, and once they get to that stage, it means the end of herbs like parsley, chives or basil. So pick leaves early and often to encourage the plant to put out more foliage and prevent it from running to seed. It may be cheating Nature but it extends the life of your plants. I pick and dry, laying fresh herbs on newspaper in a warm, dry place until dry and crisp. Rubbing is next, remove stems, bottle and store.  Vegetables: Don't feed leaf veg now or have the soil too rich, they will put out too much soft growth and bolt, all that is needed is moisture when dry.  Organic insect spray: I am experimenting with some  plant concoctions to keep the white butterfly and aphids away. Organic bug spray1/2 cup hot peppers, diced, 6 cloves garlic, peeled, 2 cups water, Blast in a food processor,strain, add 2 teaspoons liquid soap (without bleach) Fill a plastic spray bottle and mist spray affected plants. Cheers, Linda.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Gardening in North Otago November 18th 2020

November is almost over and we are racing towards December the busy month. Warm winds have dried ground out again as I write this there are rain filled clouds all around but no rain as yet.Because some nights are still cool the night beetle and the big brown moths have not yet made an appearance, but the spittle bug is here frothing up plants. Spittle bug nymphs can turn a liquid secretion into bubbles by moving or pumping their bodies, once bubbles have formed, they use their hind legs to cover themselves with the froth that insulates  them from temperature extremes and protects them from predators. Although spittle bug nymphs do feed on plant sap, the damage is minimal and populations are usually small, so no pesticide is necessary, a strong hose  blast should be enough to dislodge them.  Roses: I am keeping up the fish emulsion to foliar feed roses and deter greenfly plus still removing old hellebore leaves where I see green fly have populated on the under sides and wintered over.orchid growers it is the time to re-pot now, use orchid mix for the best results, it takes the guesswork out of wondering what to feed them. Dahlias are pushing growth up fast, get supports around those that grow large heavy blooms and they will not collapse when fully grown. So much spent spring growth in our garden is needing cut back now, aquilegia's, forget-me-not, pansies, viola's and catmint, plus I have dug out all the pollyanthus to replant in a shady damp spot until next winter. Gaps will be filled with daisies, poppies, petunias, marigolds and salvia .vegetable garden: Early morning soaking keeps moisture up through the day and helps with the germination of seeds. Successive planting can be kept up right through the Summer. If you are having problems with bugs or mildew on veg try an organic option spray or make your own natural sprays, The following plant leaves can be simmered in water and the resulting liquid used on plants. Basil will help to eliminate aphids, Chives prevent mildew occurring on cucumbers, squash and pumpkins. Coriander also for aphids and spider mite. Eucalyptus is a good general purpose insecticide. Rhubarb has been found to help prevent black spot. These may be only plants but in liquid form they can be harmful to children so keep marked bottles high up. I found that it is not a good idea to breath in fumes when simmering, keep doors and window open.  Companion planting: Some plants have been proven to help and enhance others so I will list what has proven to work. Carrots and onions together, celery and the brassica family, i.e.: cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, marigolds and beans/brassicas.  Get corn and pumpkins in as soon as possible because they need a long growing and ripening season. Fruit: Keep water up to currants an berries, lemons and fruit trees, it takes a lot out of a plant to grow fruit. There are specially prepared fertilisers for most plants with instructions for how much to apply and when. All fruiting trees and plants need a lot of water now to create juicy plump fruit, it takes only a day of strong wind to zap moisture from the ground. Remember to cover strawberries from birds. Strawberry netting stretches out to cover a large area and does the job well, birds can strip gooseberries as well, throw some frost cloth or old net curtains over them until you get a chance to pick them.   Keep food up to tomatoes as  they grow, be sure to remove laterals of the taller growing variety and stake them to keep them upright as fruits get heaver. They should be flowering now waiting for bee's to pollinate them. If your bees are few and far between on overcast days you may have to move an electric tooth brush close to flowers to gently move  pollen around while leaves are dry.  Cheers, Linda

Monday, November 9, 2020

Gardening in North Otago 10th November 2020

Whew! Rain showers have changed growing conditions here in North Otago so for me a break from dragging hoses about with scruff our dog pulling on the end.   The weight of rain on deciduous tree branches makes it easy to see those needing to be lifted, if left they cast shade over surrounding plants. Any branch growing downwards with a canopy branch directly above it can be cut back or removed altogether because lower plantings need overhead light to prevent stretch growing. Hedges:Because lush growth is later this spring having been so dry hedges will still not be finished pushing out spring growth and if trimmed too early another trim will be needed so best to wait until new growth  has hardened and stems snap clean when bent. All new growth hedge trimmings can go on the compost or be scattered around the garden as mulch. Cut back spring flowering perennials finished flowering and fill gaps with summer annuals, tall like cosmos and lavatera at the back, petunias, nemesia, saliva and marigolds middle and lobelia. alyssum, dwarf sweet peas and petite petunias in front. Roses: Fat rose buds are opening now all healthy and beautiful before succumbing to the stress of hot drying days, aphid, black spot and rust, if water, feeding and mulch is kept up these can be avoided and healthy roses can be enjoyed though to early winter. Dahlias are pushing through now as spring bulbs finish, I discovered some dahlias in shade as tree branches spread wider so have shifted clumps while still low into a sunnier position. Supports can be put in place now for large spreading dahlias before they put on heavy growth. Hydrangeas are starting to produce flower heads now so it is important to keep the water and food up to them, old stable manure, blood and bone, liquid or slow release fertiliser will keep them happy and flowering well. It's a dressing of lime for pink and Epsom salts or aluminum sulphate to keep them blue. Fuchsias are on sale right now and are wonderful in pots or a shady spot, they are making a lot of growth now so if you missed cutting any back do it now, they will soon catch up. Peony roses: What wonderful additions these are to the flower garden, peony roses are beautiful fillers in a sunny spot and great for filling vases. Supports are needed for most peony roses to hold up full flower heads. Elderflower cordial: Elder flowers are covering bushes now, they  don't last long before berries start forming from the flowers. Ingredients: 20 large elderflower heads, 4 lemons, 1 tsp citric acid, 1.5 liters water, 1kg sugar. Method; Grate zest off lemons, then roughly chop into chunks. Gently wash the flowers and steep them in a bowl with water and add this to the flower head mixture. Cover and leave for 24 hours, then strain through muslin. gently bring the strained liquid to the boil, add sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour into sterilized glass bottles and store in the fridge when cool. Add a measure to iced water for the perfect fresh summer beverage for all ages and a dash in gin for those who like a G and T. Vegetables: Keep mounding potatoes to give depth for them to produce more, consistent watering is important for potatoes, this goes for all root vegetables. Leafy veg don't need any extra feeding at this time of the year it will just encourage them to bolt. Only plant as many plants as you think you would use when ready to pick, hold back the other small seedling plants from the same batch and keep in a semi shady place until required for planting. Small plants will hold if watered only when too dry, over watering will encourage rot . Keep pumpkin and squash plants mulched, roots are fragile until their large leaves grow to create the root shade needed. Corn seeds sown last month are now ready to plant out, planting corn in squares rather than rows will ensure pollination on the lower tassel's and add support during strong winds.   Cheers, Linda.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Gardening in North Otago November 3rd 2020

Blossom is almost over for another year "But oh", the Rhododendrons and deciduous azalea's, how lovely they are right now, in my view equal to any beautiful tropical flowers.  Roses, one or two of my roses started to flower this week, a little later than usual because I pruned late, the new growth is healthy and with the on and off again rain and continuing evening chill they should stay that way. I mentioned noticing aphids last week, yes they are colonizing on new buds and can be removed using the index finger and thumb. Aphids winter over on the underside of last year's hellebore leaves, if you have not done so already remove them because new leaves should be up now. If you do not want hellebore seedlings germinating all through the garden cut out spent flowers now before seed is dropped.  Peony roses should be in bud now, get supports under them to help hold up the heavy flower heads. I have tall wire supports shaped like a u at the top that are pushed into the ground with the rounded top in place to let them flop over and stay in place.  If you planted new crowns for this season it would pay to let only one flower develop on these to allow growth to go into the crowns, then cut the one blooming flower off before it makes seed pods. Clumps form much faster if no blooms are produced for the first two years, Peony roses need full sun and do not like to be smothered by other plants plus lots of water before and during flowering.  Lavenders are budding up, if spittle bugs become a problem spraying will not work, the spittle surrounding them is a barrier to pesticide, a forceful hosing will dislodge them and hopefully drown a few.     Hybrid clematis: I have noticed these lovely clematis in Garden centers, Hybrid's are those especially large flowered varieties, not the invasive pink and white montana type. You have to be quick in training hybrids where you want them to grow, train while the trailers are still soft enough to wind around a support. Hybrids need a lot of feeding to take them to great heights, manure, deep down with a little lime added when planting is beneficial. Don't worry if you have one with no buds because they all have different flowering times, If you planted one this year let it flower then cut it to the ground. This will make it send up more shoots and you will have a much bushier and stronger climber. Hybrids can also wilt and die for no reason if this happens cut it to the ground but don't dig it out because I have known some to shoot away again the following year with no sign of wilt.  Filling gaps: I have been filling the gaps in the flower garden with old fashioned cottage flowers like cosmos, love in the mist, salvia blue bedder, Clary sage, and lavatera. These are all taller flowering annuals planted close together so they hold each other up. The more plants put in the less room for weeds to grow is the plan. All the plants mentioned will be flowering at Christmas, and then for ages after if dead headed regularly.  Fruit: No night beetles about yet, they should not be far away and ready to feast on new tree leaves, the damage they cause to established trees is not that noticeable but newly planted fruit and prunus trees can be striped of leaves. Leaves will re-grow and fruits will continue to make growth.    Vegetables: Still perfect Spring weather for growing all veg now the ground is so warm and moist. Board beans are doing well with no sign of rust, could it be the pinch of potash I put in when planting? Peas are romping up netting and beans are in and ready to climb. Keep planting veg seeds and plants, a few at a time so you can have the continuous thing happening. Also plant corn, pumpkins, courgettes, cucumbers and all that need to grow in glass / tunnel houses. White fly seems to find it's way into glass / tunnel houses and multiply rapidly. Sticky traps are a good way to monitor populations of white fly early on in the season, make your own, paint or colour in cards yellow, then smear with a concoction of petroleum jelly cut with a little dish washing liquid. Hang up close to affected plants. If white fly is detected on sticky traps the first line of control is to take action as soon as they appear.1. Begin with a strong blast from a hose, all areas of the leaf, especially the undersides. 2. Organic insecticidal soap (eg, Neem soap) after the water blast can be sprayed taking great care to cover all areas of the leaf, top and beneath. Spray at a cool time of the day and follow up with a couple more sprays a few days later.  Also consider encouraging the whitefly's natural enemies, hover flies and ladybirds by planting flowers and herbs such as calendula, oregano, fennel, parsley even thistles will draw in white fly eating predators. Grow some outside next to the door to tempt beneficial bugs closer. Cheers, Linda.