Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gardening in North Otago 10th January 2012

Happy New Gardening year to all.
What a wonderful sunny January we are having so far, it reminds me of how North Otago weather was when I was a Child. Everyday of the School holidays was sun and blue sky's, or am I just wanting to remember it that way? Not only have we been experiencing long sunny days, we have even had the odd shower, perfect!
Roses, last year dull days and mildew were a problem for roses but this year it is rust that attacked a few of my roses after the first flowering. I pull all the affected leaves of and destroy them as I dead headed, this left bushes quite bare but it takes no time at all for new leaves and buds to grow back. Deep watering around the roots is the thing for roses during these hot months. All roses should have had a summer pruning after their first flowering, cut a spent flower stem down to an out facing bud on a thick part of stem. If it is just the flower removed the remaining stem will die back to only the first bud which will be too weak to support new blooms.

Cut back summer flowering perennials and shrubs to encourage continuous flowering, I have just cut back my daisy bushes, delphiniums, lavaterias, dianthus, lupins and most of the herbs because they were all going to seed. Feed with slow release or a liquid fertiliser, they will all come back fresh and most will flower again.
I have cut some chrysanthemums back for the second time, they flower in the autumn on shorter steams by doing this. Plant some tip growth from chrysanthemums into river sand and they should root, plant out and next year they will be a clump like the Mother plant. Put stakes in now to support all Chrysanthemums.
Foliar feeding is very important to encourage fresh new growth after cutting back anything at this dry time of the year.

Fill gaps in the flower garden with annuals.
Front planting full sun: impatiens, small type petunias, begonia, small marigolds, lobelia, alyssum
Mid plantings: nicotina, coriopsis, tall petunias, tall marigolds, bedding dahlia, salvia, nemesia.
Tall plantings: cosmos, lavatera, sun flowers, Canterbury bells, love in the mist.
Semi shade ( with good light )plantings: impatiens, bedding begonias, lobelia, Japanese anemone (perennial)

If we get another decent rain feed the lawns and they will bounce back like fresh spring lawns.
I have been lifting lower new branches on the large spreading trees to let more light in for plants growing under them. Oaks, flowering cherries, ash and maples put on a lot of new growth each year and most want to grow to the ground to shade their roots if left. Remove cross over branches and any branches you feel are not required, dappled light is much nicer than dense shade.
Fruit and veg
The gooseberries, strawberries, raspberry's and currents have done well with the nice warm weather but they are ripening quickly so it is a rush to get them picked before they drop from the bushes. I have just picked all my black currents ready for jam and pies. I cut all the fruiting branches off ( they fruit on the previous years growth) then strip them of berries in a nice shady spot. This way the fruit is picked and the bush is pruned at the same time.
I have reduced the length of fruiting runners on my grapes and removed all unproductive growth.

Tomatoes need water kept up and some leaves removed to let more light in too many leaves take up nitrogen that should be used by the fruit.

The vegetable garden is doing fine but the water needs to be kept up and plants are maturing fast then bolting to seed if not picked when ready. The birds have been a problem for me this year, I will get some strawberry net and cover them. Corn and pumpkins are making good growth and the potatoes I thought were all top and no potatoes proved me wrong by being just the opposite, I gave them a tickle up on Christmas day and was amazed at the number and the size of them!
Keep planting all veg , we have the best growing and ripening time ahead.

Planting by the moon
Friday, 20 January 2012
Water as required, especially just around the full moon as the plants are really wanting to grow
Foliar feed three days before full moon
Keep up tomato and pepper maintenance
Spray neem oil for shield bugs. Spraying now will stop the next generation hatching
Remove seeds pods from sweet peas to keep them flowering
Layer carnations
Plant bulbs in garden beds orchard or pots
Dead head dahlias too keep them flowering
Watch for water stress
Spray neem oil on any young trees that need protection
Make a careful notes of when all your fruit ripens so that you know where the gaps are for future plantings
Cheers, Linda

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