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Magnolias shed their fury bud covers. |
It's here! I can feel the throb of springs pulse fattening buds, pushing out bulbs, shedding magnolia's fury bud covers , birds nesting and bees humming in blossom trees.
Sap is on the way up again so unwanted growth from prunus trees (flowering cherry) can be removed, this is the time to make cuts in prunus to avoid the spread of silver leaf which can spread from tree to tree while in the dormant stage. Cut out any weak growth and cross over branches before they grow thick. Kilmarnoch willows need old wood cut out as well, this is the ornamental pussy willow used so often now in small gardens. Each new branch grows out from the bud of last years growth. All subsequent years growth dies and builds up under the new growth. The grafted weeping tree is much nicer to look at with all those dead branches removed and it is easier to do this when bare of leaves. Another tree planted often today is robinia lace Lady, height and width can be taken of these now if becoming too big. To keep robinia lace Lady small they can be planted in a grow bag then bag and all planted into the soil, they make a very attractive dwarf tree for a small garden.
Sow seeds for late spring and summer flowering into seed trays, raise trays up off the cold ground and cover with glass or plastic to get good germination and water when dry with a mist spray early in the day.
Cuttings put into river sand in autumn should be pushing out roots soon as buds swell and burst, once lifted and roots identified pot into small pots in a heavy potting mix then store in a warm location until roots fill pots. Only water when mix is dry on top as roots will be too small to take up moisture if over watered, once roots have pots have either pot on into a larger pot or plant into the garden.
Folia feed spring flowering plants (other than bulbs ) with liquid plant food to encourage strong growth and plant, plant,plant all the pretty spring seedlings on offer now.
Cleaning out ponds is a must in early spring before pond weed and plants really take off, if oxygen weed is choking the pond reduce it now because as water looses it's chill fish begin notice each other again and eggs are blown into the weed. I over flow the ponds, clean out leaves and dead iris leaf leaving a good amount of sludge on the pond bottom. A couple of years ago a helper and I removed all the yellow bog iris's from the big pond, this was a much needed job because this common yellow iris was spreading so fast and took up a quarter of the pond with it's mat forming roots ( lesson learned, don't plant yellow bog iris in a domestic pond) The place for this iris is along the banks of a creek, the fibrous roots are fantastic at holding the sides back from erosion. Don't be tempted to add bull rushes to a domestic pond either, they also spread too quickly.
Lawns benefit greatly from an early spring feed of lawn fertilizer, this works best with rain to wash it in, if moss is a problem sulphate of iron watered on from a watering can will deal to it. Rake it out once it has turned black. Unfortunately too much soil is removed from new sections these days which means clay is not far down there for creating a solid moisture holding pan under soil. Gypsum ( soluble lime) will work on opening up clay without changing the ph of soil.
Soil is warming with sun staying around longer so heaps to do in the veg garden as you ready it for planting. Spread old stable or pig manure and dig in while turning soil over, a metal rake will soon break up winter clods to fine soil down for direct seed sowing. Get pumpkin, butternut and squash and corn seeds started now under protection, they need a long warm growing season to grow and ripen. It's so good to be planting salad veg again especially while there are no white butterflies or aphids about. As an early season deterrent fish emulsion can be sprayed on both veg and flowering seedlings, this will feed the plants and repel pests by fooling them into thinking their favorite food is now protein not vegetable, repeat after rain.
Once seed potatoes have sprouted get them in the ground, when leaves appear start mounding soil up over most of the leaves to add soil depth which encourages plan
ts to make more potatoes.
Fruit: All deciduous fruit trees can still be planted in September, a wide selection will be available in garden centers now. All fruits require a position in full sun, shelter from prevailing winds is preferable or a stake added for a couple of years until roots are well anchored. Spray stone fruit trees on bud burst with Super Copper to protect from leaf curl disease.
Strawberries: Delicious strawberries are easy to grow, in a home garden, as little as 25 plants can yield more than 50 pounds. Strawberries need at least six hours of direct sun daily and will do well with a dressing of fertilizer specifically formulated with extra potassium, regular irrigation and slightly acidic soil which can be achieved by adding coffee grinds and covering the bed in pine needles which also keep the weeds down and the fruit clean. All other berries on offer should be planted now to settle in to a season of fruiting
Cheers, Linda.
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