Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gardening in North Otago September 23rd 2019

Blossom, bulbs, birds, bee's, butterfly's new born lambs and calf's how I love Spring. Gardens are filling in with plants that have been waiting below ground for the right time to pop up and breath new life into the World around us. 
Rhododendrons and deciduous azalea's, how lovely they are right now, in my view equal to any beautiful tropical flowers. 
My roses are well in leaf now and aphids are colonizing on new buds but using the index finger and thumb removal method I am managing to control this, as leaves are still too soft to spray.Hellebore's are still looking wonderful but if you don't want hellebore seedlings germinating all through the garden cut out spent flowers before seed is dropped. 
Peony roses are well through now, supports around them before they bud up will help with heavy flower heads. Peonies need a lot of water and benefit from liquid fertiliser. If you planted new crowns for this season it would pay to let only one flower develop to allow growth to go into the crowns, then cut the one blooming flower off before it makes seed pods. Peony roses need full sun and do not like to be smothered by other plants.
Clematis are making good growth, hybrid's are those especially large flowered varieties, not the invasive pink and white montana type. You have to be quick in training hybrids where you want them to go while the trailers are still soft, they like a lot of feeding to take them to great heights. Manure, deep down with a little lime added when planting is beneficial. Don't worry if you have one with no buds just yet they all have different flowering times, If you planted a hybrbrid clematis this year let it flower then cut it to the ground, this will encourage it send up many more shoots and you will have a much bushier and stronger climber. Hybrids can also wilt and die for no reason if this happens cut it to the ground but don't dig out because I have known some to shoot away again the following year with no sign of wilt. 
I have been potting up old fashioned cottage flowers like cosmos, love in the mist, salvia blue bedder, Clary sage, and lavatera. These are all taller flowering annuals planted close together so they hold each other up. The more plants put in the less room for weeds to grow is the plan. All the plants mentioned will be flowering at Christmas, and then for ages after if dead headed regularly. 
Herbs: are making strong growth now in readiness for summer menus and drying, they need to be harvested often to stop running to seed. 
Vegetables: Still perfect Spring weather for growing all veg now the ground is so warm and moist. Board beans are doing well with no sign of rust, could it be the pinch of potash put in when planting? Peas are zooming up netting and it is warm enough to plant beans now. Keep planting veg seeds and plants, a few at a time so you can have the continuous thing happening. Thank goodness Bee's are about visiting blossom, especially early fruit blossom.
The Garden corner at our Resource Recovery Park is proving popular, thank you to all who have taken the trouble to bring in treasures from private gardens for us to pot up and share with Gardeners. Volunteers for half day periods welcome.

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