Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Gardening in North Otago 6th October 2020

Windy October to blow blossom from trees, what a relief it was when the wind stopped and the rain fell today. The late prunus blossom, lolly pink canzan, and shimidsu sakura so prettily like pale pink ballerina tutu's are in full bloom this week along with blue bells carpeting  gardens as spring continues here in North Otago. Spring bulbs: As they start to finish, don't be tempted to cut leaves off just yet as the bulbs top up on food for next year from leaves as they die back. Spent flower heads can be removed before seeds form.  If you have really big clumps of bulbs choking your garden space dig half out and plant somewhere else or donate to someone needing spring bulbs. Erica's that flowered over winter can be trimmed when flowers brown new growth will be fresh green through summer. Erica's are such a wonderful ground cover displaying beautiful colour during winter months. A low growing erica will eventually cover a metre of ground and last for many years. Lillie's are really pushing up now so it is a perfect time to get supports in for them as well being careful not to damage bulbs. Lillie bulbs need to be planted in a moist but well draining soil. Mulching will stop soil drying out.     Prune fuchsias back now if you have not already done so because they flower on new seasons wood they can be taken well back. Summer annuals: I have been planting groups of annuals for summer colour, cosmos, lavatera, love in the mist, sun flowers and sweetpeas. When frosts are well behind us begonias, petunias and lobelia can be planted. Too early yet to trim hedges, wait until the new growth finishes and firms up a little or you will be trimming them twice, this applies to box hedging as well, the test is to bend a stalk and if it snaps off it will have hardened enough to trim. The perfect time to trim spring growth on box is during overcast days, hot sun burns new undergrowth, dull days give them time to recover although there will still be some burning which will soon be hidden by new leaves.   Lawns are responding to lawn food here, I am out with it each time it rains and popping flat weeds out with the point of my secateurs while lawns are damp and soft. If you feel you need to spray lawn weeds grass clippings will need to be kept off gardens and compost heaps for a few cuts. Spray free lawn clippings will be beneficial as mulch around gardens, trees and shrubs to retain moisture, a dry summer is predicted. Sifting soil will begin again here this week for re-sowing  lawn bare patches.Vegetables:  Herbs: We can forget the dried herbs in cooking now as all herbs are putting on nice fresh growth. Sage, mint, thyme, rosemary, bay, marjoram, oregano, basil and even nasturtium can be harvested often during the growing season and what is not used can be dried over summer ready to rub and store for next winter. For the most flavor, cut herbs in mid-morning, right after the morning dew has dried. Vegetable seeds can be sown directly into the garden now but don't sow too thickly mix seeds with fine soil when sowing to avoid a lot of thinning. If planting seedlings from punnets cover with shade cloth so birds cannot see them as they are bird feeding young now and they really like to strip small seedlings from gardens.Beans, pumpkin types and corn can go into soil now, once up protect on cold nights. Tomatoes: For those with glass or tunnel houses, prepare the soil well by digging in good organic compost having been heated to the point of all fungus disease being eradicated.  Summer nights here in North Otago can be cool so a glass or tunnel house is the a must if wanting to be a serious tomato grower. However a glass house is a perfect incubator for fungus disease during nights and dull days when moisture is not taken up quickly, never let tomato plant leaves go into the night wet. There are a lot of tomato varieties to choose from. Children love the cherry tomatoes, (a good lunch box filler ) cherry tomatoes can be grown in a large pot on a well lit porch and will keep producing all Summer. Cheers, Linda.

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