Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Gardening in Waitaki August 26th 2021

While our Country is in no go lockdown mode Spring continues to unfold here after a run of lovely warm spring days we experienced this week. So far magnolias, camellias, daffodil and jonquil bulbs and blossom bursting buds confirm the above.Weeds, now it begins, address those weeds with a hoe while small and the sprayer can stay in the shed for a while yet. For paved areas and driveways that have been cleaned of small weeds there is a product call Ronstar that can be used to stop new seeds germinating, it comes in a granulated form and you sprinkle it on like salt, it will have no effect growing leaves (hence applying weed free ground) it makes the ground sterile stopping seed germination. Roses are budding and leafing now, wait until leaves are fully out and not too soft before starting folia feeding and a fortnightly spray program. The most important component for roses right now is food, rose fertiliser, old manure or manure enriched compost around the drip line and watered in will get you wonderful results further into the growing season.  Hydrangeas:  Buds are swelling so can be pruned and fed now, they should have come through this winter well. Enjoy the spring blooms but start thinking summer colour now... this is where you can paint your own garden canvas, hot colours to zaz up an area or whites silvers and greens to tone down harsh background colours and blues to cool and pull them all together.Where there is dirt filling with flowers will leave no room for weeds, for low maintenance gardens with trees, shrubs and mulch cover you can create pockets of colour with annuals between the shrubs, If you have weed mat to deal with just scrape away the mulch and with a craft knife cut a section of weed mat on 3 sides as a triangle, fold it under at the point edge and fill the dirt gap with annuals then replace the mulch around them. Once they have finished flowering for the year just remove before they seed and pull the folded flap of weed mat back over the area and re-mulch, a splash of colour among green shrubberies makes all the difference to a summer garden. Vegetables: Veg plots need attention now, weeds gone and compost dug in ready for seeds and seedlings, best not to sow or plant straight into mulch containing animal offal, this proves to be too strong but fine to spread around when new plantings have developed strong roots. Soil containing organic matter is best for new plantings and seed raising mix along rows when sowing seeds will gain good results.I plan to sow corn and pumpkin seeds early with days being mild but will nurse with cover for as long as it takes to give them a long growing season.I also have sprouted potatoes going in early and these will need protecting from late frosts as well, covered at night once through the ground.   Fruit:Berries are budding up to flower, they would appreciate organic mulch and a dressing of feriliser high in potash.  Strawberry plants are beginning to move into budding as well, my plot needs a lot of attention and building up with manure enriched compost and I am hoping I can find some plants remaining after the winter under all the chic weed. Cheers, Linda .

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