Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Gardening in Waitaki January 2nd 2022

A happy gardening New Year to all.  Experiencing some long sunny days with rain from time to time, perfect holiday weather. Roses: Moisture and humidity may be proving a problem this summer, rose buds browning before blooming but roses are enjoying the deep moisture from the summer rain. Cut all affected buds and leaves off and destroy them while dead heading,  All roses should have a summer pruning after their first flowering, cut a spent flower stem down to an out facing bud on a thick part of stem. It takes no time at all for new leaves and buds to grow back. Cut back summer flowering perennials and shrubs to encourage continuous flowering, daisy bushes, delphiniums, lavaterias, dianthus, lupins and herbs before they all go to seed then feed with slow release or a liquid fertiliser, they will all come back fresh and most will flower again. Cut chrysanthemums back if getting tall and lanky, they should then flower in the autumn on shorter steams. Push a few of the tip growth into river sand and they should root to be planted once clumped up. Foliar feeding is very important to encourage fresh new growth after cutting back anything at this dry time of the year. Fill gaps in the flower garden with annuals.  Front planting full sun: impatiens, small type petunias, begonia, small marigolds, lobelia, alyssum. Mid plantings: nicotina, coriopsis, tall petunias, tall marigolds, bedding dahlia, salvia, nemesia. Tall plantings: cosmos, lavatera, sun flowers, Canterbury bells, love in the mist. Semi shade ( with good light )plantings: impatiens, bedding begonias, lobelia, Japanese anemone (perennial), foxglove. Lawns: When the next heavy rain arrives, feed the lawns and they will bounce back like fresh spring lawns.  Ponds must be topped up regularly at this time of the year because of evaporation on hot days. Ponds tend to green up a bit as the water warms. The addition of barley straw to one end of a pond is so beneficial in helping pond water clear naturally. Weigh straw down with a large rock and with the topping up and straw doing it's job the water stays clear for fish and lilies.  Herbs: Culinary herbs are putting out heaps of growth now, harvesting, tieing and drying can be done. Hang in a cool darkish place until crisp to touch then rub onto newspaper and store in sealed glass jars. Mint, bay leaves, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory and thyme work well together as mixed herbs. Fruit and veg will be maturing fast then probably bolting to seed if not picked when ready,  birds can be a problem as well, use strawberry net when needed. Gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries and  currents will be doing well now we are getting sunny days. Black currants, cut all the fruiting branches off ( they fruit on the previous year's growth) then strip berries off in a nice shady spot. This way the fruit is picked and the bush is pruned at the same time. Reduce the length of fruiting runners on grapes and remove all unproductive growth. Tomatoes need water kept up and some leaves removed to let in light, too many leaves take up nitrogen that should be used by the fruit.  Corn and pumpkins are growing well and the potatoes I thought were all top and no potatoes proved me wrong by being just the opposite, I gave them a tickle up on Christmas day and was amazed at the number and the size. Keep planting all veg , we have the best growing and ripening time ahead.   Cheers, Linda

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