Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Gardening in Waitaki August 2nd 2023

Hydrangea cuttings.
What will August weather hold for Gardens? going by my past notes we still have proper winter weather ahead before we can leap fully into spring, soil along with plant's need a continual cold spell to grow at peak performance. The down side to a late old snap is the damage that is done to new growth and fruit blossom. We need milder sun filled days for pollinators to do their job during the short blossom blooming period. Cold or not August is the time to think about creative ways to dress ornamental gardens by planning, planting out, shifting and feeding. Liquid feed annuals and perennials that have been nursed through winter, roots are starting to take in nutrients to plump up buds. Roses and hydrangeas will be still getting the winter prune, roses like flower carpet if well established can be trimmed with a hedge trimmer Hydrangeas will be showing fat green shoots, take hardened branches that flowered down to the second bud from the bottom and leave all non flowering growth as these will carry the new blooms. Hydrangea cuttings can be taken now, thick rather than thin cuttings are best about 12" long on a slant, dip cuttings in rooting hormone (this is optional), insert the slanted end into damp river sand, around the edge of a well draining pot rather than the middle, water well and sit in a sheltered place. Staking Trees: I have been noticing newly planted tall grafted trees planted in gardens without stakes, while the ground is firm and winds are usually few during winter come spring with unpredictable weather these trees will be whipped about moving roots that should be firm in the ground. Tree's left un-staked take much longer to make the roots needed to anchor them so grow slower, sometimes not at all. Seed sowing for me is under way, cottage annuals, cosmos, cornflowers, love in the mist, snapdragon and alyssum, plus, plus, plus can be sown under glass in trays to germinate in a warm place up off the cold ground. More tender annuals need to wait until it is warmer unless you have a heated glass house. Perennials and annuals already putting out growth need to be protected from any sudden freezing. Vegetable gardens: This month is the time for sowing veg seeds that should then be ready for pricking out into punnets to grow on ready for planting into a warm spring garden. Veg gardens will be enjoying the sunny days with frosts helping to break down soil. Birds will be hungry and starting to nest so cover leaf veg with netting or frost cloth to keep them off. Fruit Trees are available in Garden Centres, each fruit tree is grafted onto rootstock that will determine how large the tree will grow and should have the following codes on labels, M26 is ideal for espaliers and cordons. M27 is good for stepovers ( the smallest of fruit trees) or trees in pots. If in doubt, ask for advice from the seller. Grape pruning needs to finish soon before sap rises, to prune a fruiting leader remove all new long growth on the vine other than the fruiting leader, on leaders prune each new growth back to the second bud. These fruiting buds should be around a hand space apart to ensure adequate sized fruit, this means removing some of the new bud growth along the top of the leader and all new bud growth growing underneath. Some of these new budding top growths will throw two lots of bud branches, remove the least stronger one leaving only one lot of double buds to produce fruit. Keep an eye on peach budburst, in milder gardens it will happen early. A copper spray right at the bud burst will help with leaf curl. Scruff update: Since moving into a new subdivision Scruff our dog has had to settle for an average sized section, BUT feels he neededs to claim the whole of the area! no cat, bird, dog or person is allowed anywhere near. I was able, in our past large garden, to quiet him very vocally with no one in earshot. But now with Neighbours all around it is me that has been quietened and Scruff is happy in his defending the Subdivision.! Cheers, Linda

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