Gardening in Waitaki

Gardening in Waitaki
Weekly garden blog

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Gardening in Waitaki October 1st 2024

October already and Waitaki gardens are in full spring bloom. This month is when chasing weeds becomes a full-time job - Hoeing and hand pulling weeds is still the best option while weeds are new and small in planted areas especially if you are clearing a garden to plant out for a summer show. Couch grass and convolvulus need to be taken right out if you can, remove each long runner under the ground and any little pieces that may have been chopped with the spade because they will grow and spread very fast if left. I spot-sprayed couch grass and convolvulus in badly affected areas, trying hard not to bring the spray into contact with plants. Once all obvious weeds are gone, cover the area with compost /mulch, thick enough to keep the light from allowing any weed seeds left behind to germinate. NOW plant, plant, plant! as many annuals and perennials as you can get into the prepared areas, they will grow fast from now on to beat the weeds. If you have not fed plants, roses, or shrubs do it now, powered plant food should always be watered in, If you have homemade compost ready to use add blood & bone; and some sulphate of potash this will add food and a flowering/fruiting component. Watering and liquid feeding for new plantings is the key to success as plants settle in and make new feeding roots. First thing in the morning is the best time to water, giving plants and dirt time to dry before night as fungus thrives in damp ground on mild nights. Roses: Old stable manure along with compost can be spread around the drip line of rose bushes to keep them going over their long flowering period, watering & rain will take it to the roots as required. Once rose leaves have hardened a little green fly can be removed with a finger and thumb on new growth or left for birds to remove. If too infested why not try a homemade organic spray as a deterrent once aphids have been blasted off with a hose? My homemade deterrent spray is as follows. 3 or 4 rhubarb leaves roughly chopped, into 4 cups of boiling water, simmer for 20 mins then allow to cool. Strain, pressing rhubarb leaves in the strainer to get full leaf infusion. Spray: mix 1 teaspoon of detergent or (baby shampoo if you have) to 2 1/2 cups of cold water, then add the leaf infusion into a spray bottle. Spray onto roses and any other ornamental plants that succumb to green flies. Store leftover leaf infusion by freezing as each application works best when fresh. ( but do not use on edible plants.) Hostas are starting to leaf now, so watch when working around them in the garden, it will not take much to knock the point off the new leaves, keep them well watered, and give them a dressing of compost and blood & bone. Slugs come in droves if they get a sniff of hostas, they slide down into the center of clumps to lay eggs, and the young then feast. Slugs can’t cross copper, so copper tape acts as a barrier. Lillies have pushed up, put in stakes to support them before they get higher, and never let them dry out, same for peony roses they do so much better growing up through holding stakes. Lawns are going for it now which means the ground has warmed enough to sow grass seed, sow thickly to beat weeds and birds, keep moist and you should have a strike in no time. Don't fertilise newly struck grass, all fertilisers will be too strong. Fruit: Raspberry canes and gooseberry bushes are flowering along with all fruiting trees so now we need sun to bring the bees and pollinating insects out. Herbs: If it's a Herb garden you are keen to make and have chosen a sunny spot, dig in some old stable manure and lime before planting, all herbs like both. Why not plant up some mixed herb pots now and they will be ready to give as Christmas presents. Vegetables: It is so easy to grow your food and from this month garden centers are full of veg, herbs, tomato plants, and seed potatoes. If you do not have an existing vegetable garden but you do have a patch of vacant ground, clear it, dig or rotary hoe it, and edge it with whatever you have on hand, limestone, bricks, tree branches, sleepers or wood lengths. Spray weeds around the outside of your edging so they will not encroach on your planting space then go for it, get planting at this time of the year everything will grow fast and well as long as you keep water up and hoe the weeds away. Corn and pumpkin seeds need to be planted now and plants planted out when all threats of frost have passed to ensure a long growing season. Carrot seeds planted now. If carrot fly has been a problem for you in the past I would cover rows with an insect net once seeds have germinated, from October until April as this period includes the three generational life cycle of the carrot fly. I have been told that Resistafly F1 hybrid Egmont seeds are less likely to be infested. Carrot flies are attracted to the carrot smell while flying low to lay her eggs so thinning carrots is almost like calling the flies. Cheers, Linda.

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